These pages are dedicated to the communications of the Lemmon High School Class of 1970.  The purpose of this page is to make a place available to all of those who went to school in Lemmon, South Dakota from 1966 to 1970.

   We were so young, that August/September day in 1966 when we first walked into Lemmon High School as freshmen.  I can still close my eyes and picture the old gym, the locker rooms, the stage we walked across every day on our way to lunch.  If I remember right we had to sit in the gym and wait for our class to be called before we could go over to eat.  We had to have our little cards punched and behave while we ate.  Yeah, the lunchroom in the basement of the grade school.  The old grade school building is gone no and they have covered up the huge windows in the high school that faced to the south.  Remember Mrs. Martins room, top floor facing south?  Remember lining up at the doors and not being let into the building until the buzzer rang?

  I wish I could bring back that time, even for a few hours, so that I could see you again.  What were we thinking of that day, were we scared, or were we so filled with the excitement of starting high school that nothing else mattered.  What were you wearing?  Who were you walking through the hallways with?

  Remember the teachers?  We could get Mr. Ramsey to talk about fishing or hunting and Mr. Z patrolled the hallways looking for trouble makers.  We all carried piles of books and there wasn't a computer in sight!  We hurried from class to class, stopping at our lockers and making plans for after school. 

  When we started that day as freshmen there were 101 of us. The next year there was 96 and again as juniors, though the names and faces switched around a bit, there were still 96 of us.  When we graduated there was 84.

  We drug main and gas was .32 cents a gallon.  Lyndon Johnson was president and our life expectancy was 70.2 years.  It cost 5 cents to mail a letter and we had never heard of email.

  Lemmon still had a drug store where we could buy vanilla cokes, frozen snickers and egg salad sandwiches.  There was both an indoor and outdoor movie theatre.  In 1966 "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" was one of the top movies, did you see it at the drive-in?  Who were you with?  Remember the concession stand? 

  We had to wear skirts or dresses to school and in Home Ec. we sewed clothes.  I remember the matching wool shorts and jackets that we sewed and then froze our knees wearing them in the winter.  No The guys had to wear dress slacks, nice shirts, belts and their hair couldn't touch their collars.

  According to the charts we were listening to - The Ballad of the Green Berets - Cherish - Monday, Monday - 96 Tears - Last Train to Clarksville - Summer in the City - California Dreamin - These Boots Are Made for Walking and Born Free.  If I remember right KOMA out of Oklahoma City was the station to listen to and single disk records were in style.
1970 Billboard Top 10
Venus - The Shocking Blue
Mama Told Me Not to Come - Three Dog Night
I Think I Love You  - The Partridge Family
Tears Of A Clown - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
The Rapper - The Jaggerz
I Want You Back - Jackson 5
Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greenbaum
Vehicle - The Ides of March
War - Edwin Starr
Green Eyed Lady - Sugarloaf
1970 "Song Of The Year" Top 10  
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkle
American Woman - Guess Who
Get Ready - Rare Earth
Band of Gold - Freda Payne
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head - BJ Thomas
ABC - Jackson 5
 Let It Be - Beatles
Close To You - Carpenters
Mama Told Me Not To Come - Three Dog Night
War - Edwin Starr
1970 Headlines
* American Soldiers Found Guilty - American soldiers found guilty of murdering entire town of Vietnamese civilians.
* Beatles Break Up - The Beatles release, Let It Be, their last album.
* Kent State Shooting - May 4, 1970....National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of students, wounding many, 4 fatally, on the campus of Kent State University. Today, memorials to the four students stand near the place of the shootings..
* Chilie elects Marxist, Allende, as head of state - Allende became the first western nation to freely elect a Marxist head of state. This resulted in a stock market crash, a run on banks and a strike by mine workers.
* Black September - Jordan's King Hussein started to drive Palestinian commandos from his country, and on the 28th, Egyptian president Nasser died of a heart attack..
* First Earth Day - April 22nd.
* EPA Created.
* Prime Time Football - ABC begins it's long running Monday Night Football.
World Trade Center is completed.
* Childproof safety caps.
* First female jockey in Kentucky Derby.
California is the first no-fault divorce state.
* First New York City marathon.
* Lithium is approved by the FDA -Used to treat manic-depressives..
Arcosanti, a desert utopia is begun.
The New English Bible is printed. -  Directly translated from ancient texts into English, it created a big stir of controversy due to it's deviations from the King James version of the Bible (which had been originally translated from other languages)
First successful oil well in the North Sea found.
* Artist Rothko commits suicide - After an investigation of his dealer, it is discovered that he had purchased 800 paintings after Rothko's death at much less their true cost..
Canadian October Crisis- Two Canadian leaders were kidnapped by Front de liberation du Quebec, a Quebec separatist movement. This resulted in martial law being declared in the Quebec province. One of the leaders, Pierre Laporte was killed by his captors, the other freed.
Doonesbury comic strip goes national.
Apollo 13 mission suffers a huge setback - A ruptured air tank on their way to the moon almost sealed the fate of thee three astronauts on board the spacecraft..
* The
Floppy disc was invented..
Charles Manson Convicted of Murdering Sharon Tate -Charles Manson, the leader of a bizarre cult, and 4 of his followers were convicted of the murders of several people including actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby..
Earthquake in Peru May 31, 19700 - 72,000 people were killed and 700,000 were left homeless.
* China Launches Its First Satellite April 24 - The People's Republic of China becomes the fifth nation to put a satellite into orbit. China first broadcast is the song "Tang Fang Hung" (The East is Red)..
Federal Elections -18 year olds are given the right to vote in federal elections.
The introduction of bar codes -Bar codes are introduced for retail and industrial use in England.
Marshall University plane crash - On November 14, 1970 a chartered plane carrying 75 players, coaches, and prominent residents of Huntington, WV and Marshall University crashed just short of the runway after returning from the days game against ECU. There were no survivors.
First F-14 Tomcat Tested  Dec. 21, 1970 -he first ever F-14 Tomcat was tested; This led to use by the NAVY for about 30 years.

We walked into the high school that warm fall day and were divided into classes, groups and activity interests.  Some spent only a year together some spent all four and some spent something in between, but we all shared an experience together, the experience of an age where you break out in pimples, your clothes and hair become almost the most important thing in life and you have no idea how to handle the whole dating thing.  And on top of everything else you have to try to stuff in your head all the things that the teachers lay awake at night thinking up for you to do!  We shared all of that and now we have the unique ability to once again get acquainted with those people who we used to see everyday.  Welcome, I am so glad you stopped by.
Jeanette (Nette) Meade