I read the kind words about Mom on the class website - thank you!
It is hard to believe that it has been nearly seven years since Mom's passing.  I truly believe that our son was a gift from God after her passing.  Sometimes I joke that I received exactly what my Mother wished upon me or what I deserved for all those years I caused her grief.  I came across some pics, it was difficult to choose.  I thought the class pics would be most fitting.  I think the picture with Peg is amusing, I think because her shirt said it all.  Of course, I only know what my Mom or Peg owned up to or shared with me. 

When Mom was sick, I wanted to take her back to Lemmon.  I soon realized that although Lemmon was always her 'home', her home had become Indiana.   Rightly so, after graduating from LHS she moved to Indiana and lived there for nearly thirty one years.  She spent over twenty years working for Montgomery Wards.  After her first bout with cancer, she had a renewed outlook on life - understandably so.  She enjoyed her time traveling.  She was an active volunteer at the local crisis center for women.

She was active member of the Shelby Volunteer Fire Department and an Auxiliary Member of the VFW.  From what everyone shared with me at her service this was a glimpse of the person she was and the impact that she made in the community, with strangers, her family, and friends.  The Shelby Fire Department, her friends, and the community hosted a benefit and raised several thousand dollars in her name- I will be forever touched and grateful. 
We miss her dearly.  Her three sons; Jon Christman, Matt Lothian, and Patrick Lothian, now reside in Indiana.  Patrick is happily and recently married and living in Northwest Indiana.  Matt is happily single and living in Indianapolis; he is working at the VA hospital.  Jon and Jennifer Christman reside in Fishers, Indiana with their children Jack and Ava.  Please contact me, if you have any additional inquiries.  I can be reached at (317) 292-7349
 Jon Christman

Peggy & Barb

Cheryl Snow, Bitz Schriber, Barb Gossman, Bebe Behrmann, Cynithia Hess, Meg Ginther, Pam Priest, Frank Krebs,
Loren Goeres and Peggy Dalzel
A short time before she died, I was able to spend an entire afternoon with Barb.  She was living in Indiana and I was in Lafayette visiting a friend and gave Barb a call.  She drove down to see me and when she walked in it was like the years just rolled away.  We sat on the couch and did some catching up.  She was feeling so good and we both laughed and shed a few tears as we shared experiences.  I asked her why she didn't move back to Lemmon where she knew people and where she could be taken care of.  She smiled and explained that most of her life had been spent in Indiana and that had become home.  She had great care and access to good doctors and was very comfortable.   She had great friends near her and was happy.

As the afternoon wore on she talked about her trip to Ireland.   Her and Peggy had gotten very reasonably priced airline tickets and decided to take a trip together.  She laughed when she talked about the plane load of firemen that shared their flight.  The firemen were having a bit to drink and the long overseas flight just flew by, so to speak!!  Peg and Barb rented a car when they landed and stayed at bed & breakfasts.  They kissed the Blarney Stone and had the time of their lives. As the long summer day grew dark we both knew she was going to have to get going.   We hugged and said goodbye and as she walked away I knew I would never see her again, and I cried.  But her smile and strength in facing what lay ahead made me feel humble and selfish in thinking that I couldn't stand her going.  I wanted us to be young again, to have all the time in the world. God gave us a day together and he gave Barb a special place in Heaven.