Hi Everyone!

After reading all the bios on our website, I thought I'd better update mine and make it sound a little more interesting.  Jeanette, Becky, Les and whoever else had a hand in creating this website, THANK YOU.  It has been great reading everyone's bios, sometimes it seems like I get in a trance reading about everyone and imagining what things were like when we were at LHS.

After graduation in 1970, I married Steve Johnson.  We had two beautiful daughters, Amy 35 is married to Brian and they have Ashley who will be four in May.  They also live in Wahoo.  They own their own concrete business and Amy is the Event Coordinator for Carson Wealth Management in Omaha.

Our second daughter, Angie 33 is married to Josh and they have two daughters, Hailey 10 and Madisen 7.  Angie and Josh live in Lisbon, New Hampshire and own three businesses.  Needless to say, we don't get to see them as often as we would like.  They live in the White Mountains and can see Mount Washington from their deck.  Angie, Hailey, Madisen and I are planning a vacation this summer (2008) to Washington DC.  My dad's name is on the World War II Memorial, which I really want to see.  Then we will see the Statue of Liberty and all the history in between

After eight years of marriage, Steve and I divorced.  A couple years later, I married Randall and we have Amanda 27 and Troy 25.  Amanda lives in Omaha and is a part time bartender.  She has a pretty serious boyfriend, Doug, and we are making plans for a wedding in 2009.  Troy is a Superintendent at the O'Neill Country Club in Nebraska.  He is still single but is seriously looking for the "right" woman.

Randall and I lived on an acreage by Volga, South Dakota for fifteen years.   We had cows, which we calved out every year.  I managed the grocery store in Bruce, South Dakota for five years.  I then worked at Brookings Federal Bank in Brookings for five years as a loan processor.  Randall was the branch manager at the Bruce Farmers Coop/Watertown Coop for the fifteen years that we lived there.  We moved to Wahoo, Nebraska in 1993 where he is the General Manager of three grain elevators.  I have been at Wahoo State Bank since July  1993.  I am the Executive Secretary for the President of the bank.

Randall and I love spending time with our children and grandchildren.   We also love golfing and traveling.  We always manage to go somewhere warm during the winter.  Of course, it has to be some place where we can golf!  We are avid fans of Nebraska Huskers football.  We haven't given up on them, yet.  Our son in law, Brain, is an Oklahoma Sooners fan, so our watching college football is very interesting.  Our son in law, Josh, is a Red Socks and Patriots fan, so we also cheer for them.  We are looking forward to retiring.  We plan to sell our house and buy a 5th wheel and go south for the winters and New Hampshire in the summer.

The picture of our family was taken when Amy and Brian got married in June 2004.  The only one missing is their daughter Ashley.  The picture of Randall and I was taken at a Luau in Maui.  Randall surprised me with this trip to Hawaii when I got home from our last class reunion in 2005.  We stayed in a condo owned by Grant Wistrom of the Seattle Seahawks at that time.  Guess I need to attend events without Randall more often!  I sure wish I could meet everyone in the Black Hills in September, but we are expecting another grandchild on September 7.  Hopefully we will get a grandson this time, but will be happy with another girl.

About my parents - My mom and dad moved to Mobridge in 1990 when my dad was diagnosed with prostrate cancer.  He passed away in January 1991.  My sisters, Judy and Janet live there, so mom was not alone.  She continues to live in Mobridge and will be 80 this year.  My husband's parents live in Brookings and Randall's dad was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs Disease (ALS).  It's really sad seeing him go thru this, but his faith is very strong which helps us kids to deal with the fact that he is dying.  We can all be very thankful for our good health, so we need to seriously plan to get together real soon!!

I am looking forward to our 40th reunion.  Hopefully, we can get together on a cruise.  Take care everyone, this website is a wonderful idea!
