This was written with Curt on the phone telling me about his life…..I may have made a few errors but think that I have it correct.  Curt won’t know because he doesn’t do computers.

After graduation I went to BHS (now it is BHSU) for four years. I couldn’t make up my mind as to what I really wanted to do so I ended up with a double major in art and industrial arts and a minor in drafting.  Other than working for myself, the only time I ever used my degrees professionally was in drafting.

If you remember, Doug Tomac and I used to play the guitar with the Froliech brothers.  While I was in college I joined different bands and played for dances and gigs around the hills area.  After college I joined a rock and roll band and lived on the road for three years.  We were called the Mustangs and life on the road was a lot of different hotels, towns and traveling.  When we were back at home in Rapid City we didn’t have any place to practice and rehearse and everyone was living in cheap apartments, basements or anywhere that it didn’t cost too much.  In 1974 my dad helped me out and I bought my first house out on nemo road and the band members moved in and paid me rent.  It gave us plenty of room and a place to call home besides offering a place to rehearse.

Over the years I have been in many different bands and have met a lot of people.  I now play weekends with a band called The Elastic Band.   

I used to be in the contracting business and have built houses, done concrete work and metal fabrication.  I had to quit doing contracting full time at age 38 because of bad arthritis.  So I started buying houses and fixing them up and then renting them out.  I have bought fourteen houses and still live in the same area.

I was married just once in August 29 of 1982 to Gayla Bieber from Rapid City.  We divorced in 1992.  We had three great boys.  Alex is 25 and just graduated from BHSU with a major in art and a minor in graphic design.  Jacob and Bryant, age 21, are my twins.  Bryant is the oldest being born six minutes before his brother.   Bryant is a mason and lives in Kansas City.  Jacob is a fireman and lives in Rapid City.  All of my sons are musicians and are in bands but have never done it professionally like I did.   They are very talented and are smart enough to not go out on the road. 

I am currently with Anita Larsen and we live in Rapid.  I still work and am trying to drop my hammer and go sailing.  I have a thirty foot boat and enjoy being out on the water whenever time allows.  I am working toward buying a forty foot yacht to tour up the east coast and maybe travel around the Mediterranean.  I just love being out on a boat.

I go to Norway in September of every year.  Years ago I had rented out one of my houses to a young lady who was dating a student from School of Mines.  He was from Norway and we became friends.  In 1988 he invited me to Norway and I have gone back every year.   He became a diplomat for the Norwegian Embassy in Africa, which took me to Africa on many trips.  I go over and work as a carpenter for ten days and then vacation for ten days.  The work pays my way and often leaves me with a little more than I came with.  I have also been to Iceland, Africa, England,  The Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark.

 I don’t know if I will make it in September as that is usually the time I am in Norway.  But if I can I will see you there.
