I joined the military after high school, but after serving a period of time with the Ukrainian military (not as much fun as you'd think) decided to try civilian life.  I spent a period of time on the eastern coast of Costa Rica working for Green Peace (fulfilling work, but I did miss the states). 

From there, I moved to Cheyenne Wyoming where I worked in a satellite office of the Uganda embassy which serves the small, but active, enclave of Ugandans living in Cheyenne.  

It was there I met Nasiche which basically means “born during locust season”, unfortunately, due to some unforeseen problems she was deported from the country along with her other husband and her 5 children. 

I am currently working in a drug rehab. house, where I’ve met (and continue meeting) so many really interesting people.  One of the people I’ve developed a rather close friendship with is Lekysha (lu-key-sha); unfortunately, she has made some bad choices, so I’ll have to wait another 6 months before I can find out how compatible we are.  That should bring you up to date at this point.  Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is up to. gm

The above is what Guy sent me to put on his page.  IT IS NOT THE TRUTH!!

Below is his real bio........lol......ya gotta love 'em!

OK, this is the revised version of the after high school bio previously sent.

I did spend some time in the military after high school (3 years and 364 days, but who is counting). Then back to Lemmon area for a year or so, then attended a couple different schools; one of which was Boise State (should have stayed there, that was the good life). After Boise I went back to Lemmon (not my best decision). After Lemmon, I finished up school in Spearfish and took a job with the Dept. of Vet. Affairs in Denver, a year and half later a position opened up in Cheyenne (I'm still an official Denver VA employee) and I've been here ever since. The job requires I travel more than I'd like; WY, MT and CO. They are reorganizing so hope to travel less.

I did visit Costa Rica, but didn't work for Green Peace (I kept wanting to kill animals and clear rainforests so it wasn't a good fit).

For those people who are interested in additional information or wanting to help the hard pressed Ugandans in Cheyenne, please send check, cash or money order and a self address envelope to:

Guy Main

P O Box 3135

Cheyenne WY 82003

All contributions will be greatly appreciated and go directly to help these proud, but struggling people. It is not easy being a Ugandan in Cheyenne.

