After graduating from high school I attended Lake Area Tech in Watertown enrolling in the auto mechanics course.  About a year later I graduated and took a job at a Chrysler dealership and worked there for about 2 1/2 years. 

In 1974 I took another job working as an engine machinist in an automotive parts store.  I was very fortunate to work under a man that taught me the engine machinist trade.   In 1980 I decided to open a business of my own as an engine machinist.  I ran this business for about 14 years and decided to sell out and try something else.  In the fall of 1994 I was offered a job as one out of six instructors in the Lake Area Diesel Tech Program.  I took this job and am currently still working there.  


Working at Lake Area Tech has been a neat experience because I have the son's of some of our high school classmates in my classes.  

In 1974 I  was married to my wife Linda and we have 3 grown boys, ages 26, 28, 30, . This last year we have been blessed with a granddaughter, now 8 months old, and a grandson who is now 11 months old.   Grandkids are great. 

(pic coming soon)